Sunday, June 2, 2019

Wilshire Ward Chapel (CA)

I originally posted about this chapel a few years ago, but I recently visited this chapel in person and wanted to share my own photos. The Wilshire Ward chapel--also known as the Hollywood Tabernacle and the Los Angeles Stake Center--is a landmark building. Constructed in the 1920s and dedicated in 1929, it was designed by Harold W. Burton, who also designed the temples in Laie and Cardston.

(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons) 

The building was originally unpainted, but a few years after it was built, it was painted white. It cost $250,000 to build, making it the most expensive chapel the Church had (and probably has) ever built (only less expensive than temples). It has changed very little, besides some additions. Here's a painting of the building from the 1930s, done by D. Jolley:

(Image Source: Church History Library)

In the 1990s, the Church considered selling the building, but instead, they renovated the building--a project that took several years and cost about $7,000,000. President Hinckley rededicated the building in the early 2000s. I will post interior pictures soon.


  1. I just found your blog. Great Job! I was at the Wilshire Ward recently and took a tour of the building. I'd be happy to share the photos with you, if you'd like. grandmadisney1@gmail . com

  2. Gorgeous photos of that grand old building! Thank you!

  3. This is one of the architectural gems of the church. The addition of the fence and the 1960's addition in the front unfortunately obscure the beautiful arcade that was original to the building. It would be fun to see it restored to its original massing.

    1. Ironically, I don't think they quite need the 1960s addition anymore, so they could feasibly take it out in the future. That would probably be quite a ways down the road, though.

  4. The annex to the building is the home of the Olympic Ward of the LDS Church, which is a Korean speaking Ward. It is not likely to ever be torn down.

  5. I lived in the LA Stake in the early 2000s and have some good memories of this building (not the least of which two of my kids being baptized there). The font is located down a flight of stairs, under the rostrum. I recall a Stake Conference where Elder Packer came to speak, and he reminisced about going to that building for socials when he was stationed nearby at the beginning of WWII. It was fun to hear a personal reminiscence in that setting. When he re-dedicated the building, President Hinckley remembered when the chapel was originally built, and over the years heard about how its existence ruffled some feathers among the leadership in Utah.
