Sunday, September 11, 2016

Central Park Ward

Built in 1926, the Central Park Ward chapel is a great example of the Prairie style of architecture.

(Image Source: Church History Library)

The main difference now is that steeple. The more chapels I visit, the more I'm convinced that someone in the Church Building Department is ordering that every chapel have a steeple, because nothing says 'I'm a church' like a steeple. The thing is, a building can still look like a very nice church without a steeple, and a steeple on this building is absolutely confusing (although they did it a bit better than in some other cases, like the Salt Lake 17th Ward's steeple.)


  1. I know it has been awhile, but have you been or are you going to go inside? I am really curious about the interior and especially the layout. Although you do a great job on your post and I love your account.

    1. Hi Anon! I actually did go inside but it was packed and I couldn't take pictures. I don't remember being particularly impressed by the chapel or the building layout itself. As I recall, the chapel juts out to the west, while the cultural hall and classrooms take up the long perpendicular portion of the building.

    2. if you'd like pictures of the interior I can provide a few
